Friday, February 27, 2009

Words from Tanner

Tonight we were driving by the Montessori where the boys used to go to when I was working outside of the house, as we drove by Tanner says:

Tanner: Mom, the Montessori looks different.
Me: Really? How so?
Tanner: It looks like a house. (it is an old house that was converted to a school)
Me: It's always looked like that.
Tanner: Nooooooooo, it used to look like a school and now it looks like a house. Something is fishy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The foundation is done!

The walls were poured on Saturday, 8 feet tall! Nothing to take a picture of yet since it still has all the forms up but I think Wade can take them down tomorrow. Then the next step is to build the bottom floor of the house and start stacking logs! WOO HOO for progress!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Almost done.

The forms should be completely done by tomorrow for the foundation walls. The plan is to pour the walls on Saturday and then the foundation is completely done!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oooooo pretty.

Tanner had a bright idea to decorate mommy tonight.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Some of my babies

Nothing too exciting on the home front but I took some cute pictures of the horses. Wally's getting so big and CUTE! At least in my eyes. :) Kheara was also feeling good!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm so proud!

Tristan is now old enough that he has to try out for Little League. So, last Saturday Tristan and I spent 3 hours out in the cold while he hit the ball, ran to first base (was timed how fast he could run), caught ground balls and caught pop ups. Today I got an email saying Tristan was drafted to a team! YAY Tristan!

I'm not sure what team he's on yet, hopefully it will be the same coach as last year. Mariners here we come!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Words from Tanner

Every weekend Tanner is supposed to draw a picture of three things he did and explain what it is for homework. Since he only played video games and watched tv and didn't know what he should put for the third thing.

Tanner: I don't know what to say because if I just make something up then it would be lying.
Me: That's very true, maybe you should say how you saw Dad work on the house.
Wade: You could put that you took a bath.
Tanner:Dad, that's inappropiate.
Wade: Why?
Tanner: Because no one wants to see a picture of me naked in the bath!

Bath day

We had to try out the new wash rack with hot water. It's not done but it has cement floor, a drain and warm water so Reggie got to be our guinea pig. Of course he was a super good boy and now he's all clean and shiny!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Words from Tanner

Today when the boys got home from school I decided to take them to Target so they could use their gift cards from Grammie Tucky. On the way there I couldn't help but overhear the boys discussing what they were going to buy.

Tristan: I think I'm going to get a case for my DS.
Tanner: What? Why aren't you going to get a video game?
Tristan: I want a case for my DS.
Tanner: What kind of kid gets a case over a video game?! YOU! YOU are the type of kid that gets a case over a video game!
Tristan: You don't have to yell at me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We have logs!

The logs for our house arrived today. They are not yet stained so it's a little hard to imagine the final product but they are here and we're one step closer.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Words from Tanner

Wade: You can get out of the bath Tanner.
Tanner: I can't get the plug out.
Wade: Just get out, I'll get the plug out.
Tanner: I'm trying to get the plug out but I have tiny little fingers and hands.