Monday, March 30, 2009

So far so good!

We went to Swedish Perinatal today to have a blood draw and ultrasound. Since I'm now "old" to be having a baby I'm technically higher risk for defects like Down Syndrome. Medicine has advanced enough that you don't need an amniocentisis immediately, you can have what's called an Integrated Screen. This tests your blood levels for AFP and the ultrasound checks the nuchal fold in the baby's neck. If the nuchal fold measures above a certain level then you have a higher risk for Down's.

Our level looked very good and the baby looks healthy! It was moving around a lot and we could see it pushing with it's legs. So cool!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Words from Tanner

I was watching Oprah and she had a segment where she was talking about the designer Valentino. They showed a bunch of dresses being worn by actresses.

Tanner: Mom, you would look so pretty wearing one of those dresses.
Me: Thanks, honey.
Tanner: I mean not that you don't look pretty now. You always look pretty. You would just look extra pretty in those dresses. Not that you don't look pretty now.
Me: It's ok Tanner I know what you mean. Thank you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Words from Tanner

Last night Tanner was VERY cranky. He threw a tantrum and made a huge mess out of my bed and threw some papers on the ground during his fit. So he got in trouble, tv was turned off and he was put to bed. This morning when he woke up he looked at me and said:

"Mom, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night"

I have no idea why he talks like that!!! So cute.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Words from Tristan

Tristan: Mom, was there tv when you were a kid?
Me: Yes Tristan, there was tv.
Tristan: Did you have color?
Me: Yes, we had color.
Tristan: When did you get color?
Me: There was color tv WAY before I was born.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Wade is starting to put the logs up! It's actually starting to look like a house. This can't happen fast enough, I'm moving in as soon as there is a roof!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We have subfloor!

The forms have come off the foundation, the subfloor is completely down and now it's time to stack logs. I can't wait to see the logs up, then it will look like we actually have a house!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Baseball Mom

Tristan's practice for baseball started today which means my life is officially filled with bats, mitts and snacks for the next three months. He has a new coach this year and new team (The Cubs) so we have to meet all the parents and kids again. I barely got to know the people from last year and now I have to start all over!!!

The coach seemed very nice though and Tristan LOVED practice. Hopefully the weather warms up soon because I HATE freezing for 2 hours four times a week!